A Guide to Seasonal Gutter Maintenance

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Did you know that gutters should be inspected each season? Especially if the area is surrounded by trees and frequent inclement weather. 

Why Is Gutter Cleaning Necessary?

Regular gutter cleanings prevent damage by reducing stress and pressure on the home. Blocked gutters lead to rainwater leaks, causing moisture deterioration to the building’s materials. 

Heavy gutter blockages also tear the gutters away from the home. This damages the home’s siding, roofing materials, and support structure. In addition to needing repairs, the broken gutters will need replacing as well.

What Causes Gutter Blockages Throughout the Year?

Contrary to popular belief, cleaning gutters is not only necessary in the fall. Although loose leaves, sticks, and other debris are more likely to form blockages during the fall months, there are other hazards to watch out for year-round.

Icicles and large blocks of ice are hazardous during winter months. As the ice falls from parts of the roof, the blocks hit the gutters. Melting ice and winter rainstorms prevent water from draining correctly.

Pests cause the majority of blockages in the spring and summer months. Rodents and birds collect mud, leaves, and sticks to build nests in the gutters.  

When Do You Need Gutter Cleaning?

Most times, signs of needing a gutter cleaning are recognizable without getting on a ladder. For example, watch for large amounts of rain spilling from the roof. This proves that a blockage is preventing the water from flowing through the gutters.

Also check for plant and weed growth, pests on the roof, and damaged gutter segments. Keep an eye out for rusted or loose segments as well.

Request Safe and Thorough Gutter Cleaning

Chesapeake Property Services offers the gutter cleaning services you need to protect your home. To request gutter cleaning, call us at (410) 661-4235 or contact us online.